eMoviePoster.com’s Annual Halloween Auction

Categories: Auctions - Prices|Published On: October 10, 2003|Views: 4|



From October 20 to November 4, Bruce Hershenson will hold his fourth
annual, two-part eBay Halloween auction.

The first part, which runs
October 20-30, contains two collections, the first of which is a collection of
nearly 140 title lobby cards from just about every single 1950-1962
horror/sci-fi movie (and also a complete set of eight cards from The Day the
Earth Stood Still
) and pressbooks from almost all horror sci-fi movies
released between 1950 and 1973! This
collection was assembled over a 25 year period, but on October 30th (the day the
items end) each card will go to a new home (of course, all the cards will be
auctioned individually).

The second collection consists of pressbooks
from just about every single 1950-1973 horror/sci-fi movie (around 450 of them,
and most are uncut)! This collection was assembled by a different collector, but
this collection also took over 20 years to assemble, and again, every pressbook
will be auctioned individually.

The rest of the October 20th to 30th
auction (around 200 items in all) consists of a wide variety of movie paper,
including some very high quality items.

The second part of the special
Halloween auction runs from October 28 to November 4 (overlapping the end of the
first part of the auction). This part consists of three-sheets, six-sheets,
Argentinean posters and British Quads. While there are a large number of
horror/sci-fi posters included, this section also includes many other posters as

Every horror sci-fi collector should be monitoring both of these
special auctions very carefully. After all, given that EVERY item in both
sections has no reserve and a $2.99 opening bid, there is every chance that some
items will “fall between the cracks” and go for low prices.

When asked
about his attractive “no reserve” policy, Hershenson asserted, “I can’t speak
for anyone else, but I for one am tired of auctions (both on eBay and elsewhere)
where the item being ‘auctioned’ has a reserve or opening bid that is the full
retail price (or even higher). Those who run such auctions are making sure they
either get a high price for their item or they don’t sell it at all, and while
that is certainly their right, it sure makes for mighty dull auctions, where
most items either don’t sell, or sell to a single bidder who paid the reserve
price. In my auctions, the final price of EVERY item is set by two or more real
bidders, and the high bidder is bidding against others, not against an (often
inflated) reserve price.”

For more information, visit http://www.emovieposter.com or
email Bruce at mail@brucehershenson.com.

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