eBay Excitement

Categories: Auctions - Prices|Published On: April 18, 2003|Views: 6|



From the wild and always unpredictable world of eBay, we have some items
that have recently blown us away…

First, there’s a Stern
Simpsons Pinball Party Pinball machine that sold for $3,895. We also have
a Wolverine #145 Rare Nabisco Variant that sold for $145 (for more on
another amazing Wolverine sale, check out this week’s Industry
). There’s also Original Cover Art for Spider-Girl #11 that sold
for $656, an X-Men Giant Size #1CGC NM+ 9.6 that sold for $3,050, a very
rare Sears Canadian General Veers Action Figure Mint on Card that sold for
$1,500, and an adorable Mickey Mouse Cowboy from the Knickerbocker Toy Company
that sold for $810.

Last but certainly not least, in honor of this past
Tuesday’s Tax Day extravaganza, we have a charming Scrooge McDuck pin, of which
only 100 were produced, that sold via dutch auction for $45.01.

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