eBay Auctions

Categories: Auctions - Prices|Published On: October 3, 2003|Views: 3|



Welcome back to our weekly presentation of eBay masterpiece highlights.
Here’s what we’ve found: a 1936 Buck Rogers Liquid Helium Water Pistol complete
with original box sold for $720.00. A Lone Ranger Mechanical pencil advertising
Merita bread and cakes sold for $261.87. A certified 9.8 copy of Weird
Mystery Tales #1
sold for $499.99. The original cover art to Werewolf By
Night #26
by Gil Kane sold for $4,000.00 with heavy bidding. A Gumby tattoo
gum vending machine featuring both Gumby and Poky brought $83.00. And a 1930’s
Doc Savage subscriber portrait sold for $360.55.

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