eBay Auctions

Categories: Auctions - Prices|Published On: October 10, 2003|Views: 6|



Come one, come all to our carnival of eBay attractions! A Serial Republic
Lone Ranger Brass Star Badge sold for $103.99. A rare mint in box Mickey Mouse
Crazy Car which was produced in occupied Japan closed at $3,306.09 under heavy
bidding. A mint on card Star Trek Mr. Spock action figure by Mego sold for
$55.00. The rare 1969 Aurora Frightening Lightening store display poster sold
for $1,400.00. A certified 7.5 copy of Target Comics #7 featuring the classic
Spacehawk cover and story sold for $2,851.01. And a beautiful comic art
re-creation by Shelly Moldoff featuring a page from Flash Comics #16 sold for




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