eBay Auctions

Categories: Auctions - Prices|Published On: October 17, 2003|Views: 3|



Come one, come all! We have a fine example of the Linemar Howdy Doody Piano
that sold for $3,100.00. A certified 9.8 of Amazing Spider-Man #300
featuring the first full appearance of Venom brought $870.000. The scarce Wonder
Woman Telephone produced in the 1970’s sold for $999.00. A vg condition copy of
the pulp magazine Dr. Yen Sin Vol. 1 No.3 brought $176.49. A mint on card
1966 Green Hornet Bagatelle game hammered at $585.98. A limited edition life
size Yoda that was limited to a production of 9500 sold for $565.55. And an
early Peanuts pen & ink by Charles Schulz sold for $15,126.00 under
heavy bidding.




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