eBay Auctions

Categories: Auctions - Prices|Published On: October 24, 2003|Views: 4|



Feast your eyes on this week’s veritable smorgasbord of eBay fare! We start
off this week with a certified 4.5 of Suspense Comics #3. This scarce book with
classic cover closed at $11,100.00. Next, we have a wonderful pinback button
advertising the Shirley Temple Doll that sold for $260.99. A 1945 Comic Tattoos
set with original envelope featuring countless King Features Syndicate
characters sold for $521.00 under heavy bidding. The Comic Tattoos set included
Flash Gordon, The Katzenjammer Kids, Popeye, The Phantom, and many more. In
honor of Halloween we found a fabulous 1966 Riddler Disguise Kit. The kit was
complete with the mask and paperwork. The Riddler Disguise Kit sold for
$1,373.55. A fine condition example of the Howdy Doody Mr. Bluster Marionette
sold for $600.00. The Puppet was in great condition with little sign of age. The
original box was low grade and included with the puppet.

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