Dynamic Forces and Revolution Studios Team to Produce Collectibles

Categories: Comic News|Published On: October 10, 2003|Views: 9|



Dynamic Forces Inc. and J.A. Roth and Associates have announced an
exclusive arrangement with Revolution Studios to produce limited edition and
collectible merchandise for its comic book action adventure film Hellboy.
The film stars Ron Perlman, Selma Blair, John Hurt and Jeffrey Tambor and will
be released on April 2, 2004 by Columbia Pictures.

“This is a great opportunity for us to promote our exciting film through
high-end collectibles which are an accurate and exciting representation of
Hellboy’s amazing characters,” said James Costos, head of promotions and
consumer products for Revolution Studios.
“DF is the industry’s largest producer of high-end art reproductions,”
explained Russell Binder, of J.A. Roth and Associates. “There was really no
other choice in this category and we’re very happy to be working with them on
this project.”
Look for more information on the release of DF Hellboy Product in
the coming weeks! In the meantime, visit http://www.dynamicforces.com
for more info on the film itself.


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