Dreamwatch #110

Categories: Off the Presses|Published On: October 17, 2003|Views: 7|



Titan; $5.99
This month, Dreamwatch salutes the smash-hit sci-fi series,
Stargate SG-1! Not only is Stargate the cover feature and one side
of the mag’s fantastic double-sided FREE poster, but there are also interviews
with Christopher Judge (Teal’c), Corin Nemec (Jonas Quinn) and the
show’s co-producer, Peter DeLuise. Also, in eager anticipation of the
fifth season of Angel and to clear up some of the many rumors regarding
the return of the great vampire investigator, the publication’s been doing a bit
of probing, interviewing the man himself David Boreanaz, co-executive producer
David Fury and Amy Acker, a.k.a. Fred. All this plus exclusive new interviews on
Alias, Smallville and Enterprise, and regular features
keeping you up-to-date with the world of fantastic entertainment! On sale

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