Don Maris and The Big-D collectible Show

Categories: The Spotlight|Published On: July 15, 2002|Views: 6|



It all started back in 1970, when Don Maris put his first show on in
Oklahoma City. 1972 and 1975 just saw the shows getting bigger. But as the 70’s
wore on and Don continued to frequent shows around the country, he found he
wasn’t enjoying them as much. He felt the more recent shows had lost a lot of
the charm and excitement of the “good old days” that were the 60’s and early
70’s. That’s when he decided to put on an old fashioned Con that only featured
items older than 1980.

It finally happened in Dallas, Texas in 1986.

Ted Hake and Russ Cochran were only a few of the big name dealers
present, with one dealer selling over $30,000 worth of collectibles – $5,000 of
which was sold in the first hour.

24 shows later, Don ‘s Big-D
Collectible Show is still one of Dallas’ most coveted tickets – featuring toys,
comics, movie posters, western movie cowboy items, premiums, videos, toy
soldiers and BLB’s . . . just to name a few.

This year The Big-D
Collectible Show will be held July 19, 20 and 21. Friday the 19th is set up time
from 2 to 8 pm, while on Saturday the show will run from 10 to 5 and on Sunday
from 10 to 3. The show will be located at the Hampton Inn, 1700 Rodeo Drive,
Mesquite, TX 75149. The phone number is 972-329-3100.

They will be
featuring 17,000 sq ft of space with renowned dealers coming in from 21 states.
Russ Cochran will have a booth representing Gemstone Publishing, where Hake’s
Price Guide to Character Toys #
4 will be sold along with other Gemstone
products. Two special guests will also be featured – actors Jan Merlin (Tom
Corbett, Space Cadet
) and Sonny Shroyer (Enos – The Dukes of
). For more information, simply click on this link:

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