Don Flanagan Leaves MastroNet for New Position

Categories: Comic News|Published On: July 15, 2002|Views: 4|



In a surprise move, Don Flanagan, former Vice President of MastroNet, Inc.
has taken a new position with Sales on Line Direct, Inc. of Worcester Mass. as
President of the Collectibles Division. His primary responsibilities will
include purchasing inventory and broadening the scope of the company’s category
base. Flanagan previously acted as the sole sports consultant to Christie’s
Auction House in New York from 1993-1997, and recently helped launch MastroNet’s
new Americana Division. Sales on Line Direct, Inc. owns both Rotman Auctions and
the, and is also a major seller of collectibles through
E-bay. The company also has a contract with E-bay to provide online appraisals
in hundreds of collecting areas. Flanagan remarked that he enjoyed his five-year
hitch with MastroNet and looked forward to continuing to do business with them
in his new position. Experts agree that Flanagan is one of the top authorities
on comic character memorabilia.

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