Disney Comics in Bookstores!

Categories: Comic News|Published On: October 10, 2003|Views: 3|



Barnes & Noble and Borders are now places you can find Donald Duck
, Gemstone’s Take-Along Comic format title.

The 128-page,
full-color bi-monthly title, which retails for $7.95, will also be available in
many libraries through Baker & Taylor and Ingram.

“Since the
inception of the Comic Shop Locator Service, Gemstone Publishing has worked to
get its publications out to the widest possible audience in as many venues as
possible with the intent of driving business to local comic shops,” said
John Clark, Gemstone’s Editor-in-Chief – Disney Comics. “We’re very glad
to see the Disney titles joining our price guides in this effort, and we’re
excited that so many more kids will have chance to discover the magic of comic
books through this program.”

More announcements are expected

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