Diamond Book Distributors and Dr. Who

Categories: Comic News|Published On: April 18, 2003|Views: 4|



It has recently been announced that Diamond Book Distributors has been
appointed by BBC Worldwide Americas as the exclusive North American distributor
of their Doctor Who novels to the bookstore, library, mass merchandise,
warehouse and comic book specialty markets.

Doctor Who, which
originally aired on BBC television from 1963-1989, is the longest running sci-fi
program in history. The series tells the story of a Time Lord who travels the
universe in search of interplanetary excitement and general ballyhoo. It has
garnered a worldwide fan base, especially with North American audiences.
According to Diamond Vice President of Purchasing Bill Schanes, “We’re glad to
assure North American readers that they will continue to get their Doctor
‘fix’ through the BBC’s acclaimed series of novels.”

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