Dave Dorman Explores the Wasted Lands

Categories: Comic News|Published On: July 26, 2002|Views: 3|



San Diego Convention Special!

Dave Dorman’s partner Steve
Smith gave Scoop a sneak peak of Dorman’s new preview book, The Wasted
Lands #0
, which the noted Star Wars painter will be offering at the upcoming
Comic-Con International: San Diego, August 1-4.

Continuing the story of
the characters introduced in the Image Comics graphic novel, Rail, the
new incarnation of The Wasted Lands series will debut in 2003 from
Dorman’s own Rolling Thunder Press in early 2003.

This 24-page preview
book will offer the opportunity to explore the world of The Wasted Lands through
model sheets, full color paintings, and commentary by the artist. It also
features many never-before-published illustrations as well as examples from the
earliest development of the series in 1994 and through the Heavy Metal
story published in 1997 as part of the magazine’s 20th

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