Dark Horse Announces Usagi Yojimbo Figure

Categories: Catch the Wave|Published On: April 25, 2003|Views: 5|



For fans of Stan Sakai’s extraordinary samurai rabbit, Usagi Yojimbo, we’ve
got some news for you. Lend an ear…

Dark Horse has just announced the
upcoming release of a special 8″ soft vinyl figure featuring the graphic novel
hero. Based on special illustration designs by Sakai, this figure is currently
in production and is scheduled for release in August, 2003.

“Next year
will mark Usagi Yojimbo’s twentieth anniversary of continuous publication”, Dark
Horse product development head David Scroggy noted, “and we wanted to start the
party early with this project. We are very happy with the faithfulness of the
sculpture to Stan’s original designs, and feel it captures the unique essence of
this important character. Although there were a couple of action figures of
Usagi many years ago, we feel that this eight inch version will be the best
representation of Usagi of all time.” Stay tuned for more!

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