Daredevil is Swinging High Again
by writer Brian Michael Bendis and artist Alex Maleev. “Brian Michael Bendis’
take on DD has been more like watching The Sopranos or
Goodfellas than reading a super hero adventure. As for the art, Alex
Maleev is working miracles in this book,” said AintItCoolNews.com.
this week’s Daredevil #35, guest-starring Spider-Man, it seems like the
perfect time to tell you about our upcoming interview with Alex Maleev. Check
back next week for the scoop on the artist whose cinematic approach is drawing –
so to speak – new readers with each issue.
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<div>Krause Publications, which publishes such well-known titles as <i>The
Comics Buyers Guide</i>, <i>Comics and Games Retailer</i>,<i> Scrye, Card</i>
<i>Trade</i>, <i>Toy Shop </i>and <i>Numismatic News</i>, has recently been sold
to F&W Publications of Cincinnati for $120 million. <br><br>This should
result in a nice payday for the 450 Krause employees, who will divide some $80
million from the sale of the employee-owned company. A spokeswoman for F&W
Publications also stated that Krause would remain in Iola, Wisconsin and that
their employees would be retained. <br><br>Krause Publications was started in
1952 by Chet Krause, a Waupaca County carpenter and coin collector who wrote t