CSI is Coming…to Print

Categories: Off the Presses|Published On: November 8, 2002|Views: 3|



As we mentioned in Scoop, 8-9-02, the first issue of IDW
Publishing’s CSI: Crime Scene Investigation mini-series will be
premiering in January. Which is huge news – especially since the television show
on which it’s based continues to be number-one, averaging over 30 million
viewers each week.

The CSI: Crime Scene Investigation mini-series
will be written by Max Allan Collins, author of the graphic novel that gave
birth to the motion picture Road to Perdition. Artist Gabriel
Rodríguez will bring a realistic look to the series, capturing the
excitement of Las Vegas and the intense attitude of the series. Mimicking the
style of the show, Ashley Wood will bring his unique art sensibility to the
flashback and forensic sequences of the story.

TV Guide will help
kick off the release of the mini-series with an exclusive 3-page, self-contained
story that will also see print in January. And that’s just a sampling of the
national media attention the CSI: Crime Scene Investigation mini-series
announcement has already garnered. Its arrival has been mentioned in USA
Today, Daily Variety, and dozens of newspapers around the
country, as well as on E! Entertainment Television and

“Here at IDW Publishing, we are very happy to be working on
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation. The folks at CBS have been powerful
partners, helping us make sure that everyone knows about this book,” said Beau
Smith, VP Of Sales and Marketing for IDW Publishing.

Come January, each
issue will ship with two covers: a regular edition painted by Ashley Wood and a
“secret rare” photo cover that will showcase one actor per issue. IDW Publishing
has not announced the number of “secret rare” covers they will produce, but we
do know that these covers will be distributed randomly throughout the entire
print run. The first issue will also feature an exclusive interview with William
Petersen, discussing his role as Gil Grissom.

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