CrossGen Launches Comics on the Web 3.0, Adds AOL Component

Categories: Comic News|Published On: October 10, 2003|Views: 4|



CrossGen has launched the second enhanced version of its Comics on the Web

In conjunction with the relaunch, the company has also signed an
agreement with America Online, the world’s leader in interactive services, which
establishes an AOL Keyword for CrossGen. America Online Keyword: CrossGen will
provide hundreds of pages of comics content for free use by AOL’s

Comics on the Web Version 3.0 features an easier-to-use front
end, while also providing translated front ends in other languages, such as
Spanish, French, German, Italian and Japanese. The service features comics
translated in all those languages, as well. A key shift from one-bit to two-bit
language support enabled CrossGen to incorporate character-sets from Asian
languages into its online service. Other features include:

– Alternate
audio track support including voice-overs and creator commentary

– Asian
language support e.g., Japanese/Korean

– Automatic balloon movement
synced with audio track

– Shortened movement from stand date to online
release, reduced from six to three months

CrossGen has also established a
partnership with ecomix, the most popular online comics portal in South

Finally, CrossGen also has established a Germany-based portal, as well:

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