Comics Spotlight

Categories: Off the Presses|Published On: July 15, 2002|Views: 5|



Ground Zero, LLC

The first issue of Comics Spotlight
from Ground Zero, LLC debuted on stands July 3, 2002. Reminiscent of
publications like Comics Interview and Amazing Heroes, the
quarterly Comics Spotlight has a twist all its own: Each issue’s cover
artwork is available as a contest prize for one lucky reader.

“All of our
issues will have a particular theme,” said editor/publisher Charlie Novinskie.
“We’re going to try to keep a good mix of topics and not stick to any one genre
for consecutive issues. The first issue spotlights Spider-Man, and the second
features the resurgence of crime comics. Our goal is to strike a good balance
with the material.”

Novinskie said Comics Spotlight would stay on
a quarterly schedule until he was confident of Ground Zero’s ability to produce
it more frequently. In the meantime, though, they will be supplementing the
quarterly with occasional specials.

“Our first special will feature an
in-depth look at CrossGen and all they’ve accomplished so far,” he said. “It
seems like everything they do attracts attention, and we’re looking forward our
first special focusing on them.”

In the Spotlight for the first
issue are the Romitas – John, Sr., John, Jr. and Virginia, as well as
Ultimate Spider-Man scribe Brian Michael Bendis.

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