Comics for a Cause

Categories: Comic News|Published On: March 28, 2003|Views: 3|



Looking for something to do with those pesky non-CGC-worthy comic books?
Want to help secure a bright future for our nation’s children, and at the same
time become a part of the newest comic book-based literacy program? Well, here’s
a way for you to do all three!

Comics4Kids is a not-for-profit
organization that gives donated comic books to children in hopes of encouraging
them to participate in the comic book hobby and, more importantly, helping to
teach them how to read.

“We’d like to do more than just encourage kids to
go to a comic store and spend Mom and Dad’s money. We want to enable children
everywhere to stimulate their imaginations, and at the same time improve their
English skills,” says C4K President and CEO Dale Moore. “Comic books are not
only a wonderful source of entertainment, but they are also great building
blocks for learning.”

You can find out more about Comics4Kids and how to
donate comic books at or email any
questions you may have to:

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