Chimp Off the Old Block

Categories: The Spotlight|Published On: April 18, 2003|Views: 3|



This month marks the 71st birthday of one of the most recognized
stars of Hollywood’s Golden Age, Cheeta the chimp. Already a star at age 2, the
Guinness Book of Records oldest living chimpanzee made a name for
himself in no less than twelve of the Johnny Weissmuller/Maureen O’Sullivan
Tarzan movies, playing the part of Tarzan’s loyal companion to primate

Cheeta, now residing in sunny Palm Springs, CA, has led an
extraordinary life – especially by chimp standards. Between swinging from trees
and adventuring around the jungle throughout the ’30s and ’40s, Cheeta also
allegedly enjoyed biting Maureen O’Sullivan! Sadly, he was almost put to sleep
after the death of his trainer Tony Gentry, who feared he would be sent to a
research lab. Gentry’s nephew adopted him, however, saving him from both
harrowing fates and rearing him to his ripe age.

Cheeta’s talents aren’t
even limited to the screen. He reportedly spends his time playing with toys,
watching old movies, eating burgers, leafing through magazines, and, yes,
painting and playing the piano. He has a star on the Palm Springs Star Walk, and
visitors to the California resort town are known to clamor outside his home for
even the slightest chimp-glimpse. Happy Birthday, Cheeta!

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