Cheech and Chong Head Knockers

Categories: Catch the Wave|Published On: March 28, 2003|Views: 5|



Remember the last scenes of Cheech and Chong’s Up in Smoke? Where
the hilarious duo finally gets to play their gig after various misadventures
with inter-border dope smuggling and wayward female hitchhikers? Well, now that
rock-n-roll moment can be yours forever with these hysterical Head Knockers from
Neca. Pedro (Cheech) strums his guitar while sporting a fuchsia tank top, red
ski cap and sparkly blue eye-mask – all the while standing in a heap of trash.
Meanwhile, Man (Chong) wears a cape and a leotard, and is ready to bring down
the house with his drumsticks and smile. How can you resist?




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