Charlie Novinskie to Join ACTOR Board of Directors

Categories: The Spotlight|Published On: April 4, 2003|Views: 3|



We are happy to report that Charlie Novinskie, who has been Publisher of
Comics Spotlight magazine, has recently been asked to join the
ACTOR Comic Fund’s Board of Directors on the Disbursement Committee.

Novinskie, who has been active in fandom for the past few decades,
served as editor, and sales and promotions manager for Topps Comics prior to
bringing Comics Spotlight into the, well, spotlight. He has also worked
as volunteer secretary to the ACTOR Disbursement Committee, which, according to
ACTOR president Jim McLauchlin, “has primed him well for the job.”
McLauchlin continued, “and his years of working in the industry and his
many contacts will be a tremendous asset to ACTOR.”


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