Celebrity Birthdays

Categories: The Spotlight|Published On: November 8, 2002|Views: 3|



Do any of them share your birthday?

November 8: Today,
actress Parker Posey (1968), Kramer’s favorite broadcaster Mary Hart
bluesy-folksy-country powerhouse Bonnie Raitt (1949),
journalist Morley Safer (1931), ’50s songstress Patti Page (1927),
Maude‘s Esther Rolle (1920) and Gone With the Wind
author Margaret Mitchell (1900) were all born.

On November
that thong th-th-thong thong thong rapper Sisqo (1978), recently
wed boy bander Nick Lachey (1973), Incredible Hulk beefcake Lou
Ferrigno (1951),
CCR rocker Tom Fogerty (1941), one-third of Peter,
Paul and Mary, Mary Travers (1936), astrophysicist Carl Sagan (1934),
39th Vice-President Spiro Agnew (1918) and silver screen
siren Hedy Lamarr (1913) were all born.

‘s birthdays include E! True Hollywood Story staple
MacKenzie Phillips (1959),
comic Sinbad (1956), country/pop star
Donna Fargo (1949), Jaws actor Roy Scheider (1935),
Cleopatra actor Richard Burton (1925), Mr. Smith Goes to
actor Claude Rains (1889) and religious revolutionary
Martin Luther (1483).

The birthdays for November 11 are as
follows: Titanic lady-killer Leonardo DiCaprio (1974),
mini-skirted McBeal Calista Flockhart (1964), still-looks-great-at-40
star Demi Moore (1962), comedian Jonathan Winters (1925), Cat’s
author Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. (1922), U.S. Public Servant
Alger Hiss (1904), General George Patton (1885), Anna Karenina
author Fyodor Dostoyevsky (1821), and Holy Roman Emperor Henry IV

On November 12, skater-gone-bad-turned-boxer Tonya
Harding (1970),
baseball great Sammy Sosa (1968), gymnast
extraordinaire Nadia Comaneci (1961), classic rock crooner Neil Young
sportscaster Al Michaels (1944), character actor Wallace
Shawn (1943),
actress-turned princess Grace Kelly (1929) and glorious
sculptor Auguste Rodin (1840) were all born.

November 13
is the birthday of comic/Hollywood Squares regular Whoopi Goldberg
actor/director Oskar Werner (1922), Theatre of the Absurd
playwright Eugene Ionesco (1912), former U.S. supreme Court Justice
Louis Brandeis (1856), Treasure Island author Robert Louis
Stevenson (1850), Edward III of England (1312)
and philosopher St.
Augustine (354).

On November 14, Prince Charles (1948), King
Hussein of Jordan (1935),
M*A*S*H actor McLean Stevenson (1929),
Family Affair‘s bachelor-heir Brian Keith (1921), screen diva
Veronica Lake (1919), Senator Joseph McCarthy (1909), 42nd
actor Dick Powell (1904), composer Aaron Copland (1900),
Indian nationalist Jawaharlal Nehru (1889), impressionist master
Claude Monet (1840), steamboat inventor Robert Fulton (1765) and
William III of England (1650).

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