Celebrity Birthdays

Categories: The Spotlight|Published On: March 28, 2003|Views: 5|



The celeb birthdays of March 28 include Russian author Maxim
in 1868; brewers Frederick Pabst in 1836 and August Anheuser
Jr. in 1899; famed Hollywood agent Swifty Lazar in 1907;
child star Freddie Bartholomew in 1924; actor Dirk Bogarde in
1921; actress Conchata Ferrell in 1943; actor Ken Howard in 1944;
the lovely Dianne Wiest in 1948; and country sensation (and beef
spokeswoman) Reba McEntire in 1954.

On March 29, our celebs
include include John Tyler, 10th president of the United States, in 1790;
baseball pitcher Cy Young in 1867; actress/singer Pearl Bailey in
1918; former British Prime Minister John Major in 1943; actor Eric
in 1943; former pro basketball player Walt Frazier in 1945;
gymnast Kurt Thomas in 1956; actor Christopher Lambert in 1957;
actress Lucy Lawless in 1968; and tennis player Jennifer Capriati
in 1976.

On March 30, birthdays include Spanish painter
Francisco Jose de Goya in 1746; Black Beauty author Anna
in 1820; Dutch painter Vincent van Gogh in 1853; Irish
dramatist Sean O’Casey in 1880; former CIA Director Richard Helms
in 1913; singer Frankie Laine, also in 1913; actor Richard Dysart
in 1929; The Addams Family actor John Astin in 1930; Dick Tracy
actor Warren Beatty in 1937; blues/rock master Eric Clapton in
1945; Mad About You actor Paul Reiser in 1957; singer Tracy
in 1964; and singer/diva Celine Dion in 1968.

March 31 birthdays include French philosopher Rene Descartes in
1596; Austrian composer Franz Joseph Haydn in 1732; boxer Jack
in 1878; comedian Henry Morgan in 1915; actor/singer
Richard Kiley in 1922; author and motivational speaker Leo
in 1925; United Farm Workers President Cesar Chavez in
1927; actor William Daniels, also in 1927; Canadian hockey player
Gordie Howe in 1928; fashion designer Liz Claiborne in 1929;
author John Jakes in 1932; actress Shirley Jones in 1934;
bandleader Herb Alpert in 1935; actor Richard Chamberlain in 1935;
the bizarre but marvelous Christopher Walken in 1943; actor
Gabe Kaplan in 1946; Cheers actress Rhea Perlman in 1948;
former Vice President Al Gore Jr. in 1948; actor Ed Marinaro in
1950; and actor Ewan McGregor in 1971.

April Fools Day babies born
on April 1 include Italian pianist and composer Ferruccio Busoni
in 1866; Russian composer Sergei Rachmaninoff in 1873; creepy actor of
yore Lon Chaney in 1883; actor Wallace Beery in 1886; actor
Toshiro Mifune in 1920; Death of a President author William
in 1922; actress/singers Jane Powell in 1928;
actress/singer Debbie Reynolds in 1932; Love Story actress Ali
in 1938; and actress Annette O’Toole in 1953.

April 2, we have birthdays including Charlemagne, founder of the
Holy Roman Empire, in 742; Italian “adventurer” Giacomo
in 1725; Danish storyteller Hans Christian Andersen in 1805;
French sculptor Frederic Bartholdi (creator of the Statue of Liberty) in
1834; French novelist Emile Zola in 1840; surrealist artist Max
in 1891; actor Buddy Ebsen in 1908; actor Alec Guinness
in 1914; actor Jack Webb in 1920; smooth groover Marvin Gaye in
1939; singer/songwriter Leon Russell in 1941; actress Linda Hunt
in 1945; literary and cultural critic Camille Paglia in 1947; country
songstress Emmylou Harris in 1947; actress Pamela Reed in 1953;
comedian Dana Carvey in 1955; and Law & Order: Special Victims
actor Christopher Meloni in 1961.

On April 3,
celeb birthdays include historian and story writer Washington Irving in
1783; author and naturalist John Burroughs in 1837; publisher Henry
in 1898; actress and inventor of the “fan dance” Sally Rand in
1904; actress and all-American good girl Doris Day in 1924; acting
powerhouse Marlon Brando in 1924; astronaut Gus Grissom in 1926;
anthropologist Jane Goodall in 1934; entertainer extraordinaire Wayne
, in 1942; crooner Tony Orlando in 1944; actor Alec
in 1958; Fraiser actor David Hyde Pierce in 1959;
funnyman Eddie Murphy in 1961; Beverly Hills 90210 actress
Jennie Garth in 1971; and Olympic skier Picabo Street in

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