Celebrity Birthdays

Categories: The Spotlight|Published On: April 4, 2003|Views: 5|



On April 4, our celebrity birthdays include social reformer
Dorothea Dix in 1802; dance school founder Arthur Murray in 1895;
baseball Hall-of-Famer Tristram Speaker in 1888; author/playwright
Robert E. Sherwood in 1896; broadcast news commentator John Cameron
in 1906; blues musician Muddy Waters in 1915; author and poet
Maya Angelou in 1928; Psycho actor Anthony Perkins in 1932;
baseball commissioner Bart Giamatti in 1938; South African musician
Hugh Masekela in 1939; author Kitty Kelley in 1942; actor Craig
T. Nelson
in 1946; actress Christine Lahti in 1950; and bad boy actor
Robert Downey Jr. in 1965.

On April 5, we have birthdays
including English philosopher Thomas Hobbes in 1588; Benjamin
, signer of the Declaration of Independence, in 1726; educator
Booker T. Washington in 1856; legendary actors Spencer Tracy in
1900, Melvyn Douglas in 1901, Bette Davis in 1908 and Gregory
in 1916; novelist Arthur Hailey in 1920; filmmaker Roger
in 1926; impressionist Frank Gorshin in 1934; Secretary of
State Colin L. Powell in 1937; Barney Miller actor Max Gail
in 1943; astronaut Judith Resnik in 1949; and The X-Files actor
Mitch Pileggi in 1952.

On April 6, celeb birthdays include
newspaper editor Joseph Medill in 1823; journalist Lincoln
in 1866; actor Walter Huston in 1884; radio commentator
Lowell Thomas in 1892; baseball Hall-of-Famer Gordon “Mickey”
in 1903; geneticist James Watson in 1928; musician Andre
in 1929; country crooner Merle Haggard in 1937; actor Billy
Dee Williams
in 1937; producer/director Barry Levinson in 1942;
singer/actress Michelle Phillips in 1944; Cheers actor John
in 1947; Taxi actress Marilu Henner in 1952 and
Full House actress Candace Cameron in 1976.

The celebs of
April 7 include missionary St. Francis Xavier in 1506; English
poet William Wordsworth in 1770; gossip columnist Walter Winchell
in 1897; conductor Percy Faith in 1908; singer Billie Holiday in
1915; sitar player Ravi Shankar in 1920; actor James Garner in
1928; former Defense Department analyst Daniel Ellsberg (the one who
leaked the Pentagon Papers) in 1931; M*A*S*H actor Wayne Rogers in
1933; film director and wine connoisseur Francis Ford Coppola in 1939;
British TV personality David Frost in 1939; German Chancellor Gerhard
in 1944; musician John Oates (of the illustrious Hall and
Oates) in 1949; actor/marital arts expert Jackie Chan in 1954; and
Gladiator actor Russell Crowe in 1964.

On April 8,
our celebrity birthdays include actress Mary Pickford in 1893; Olympic
figure skater Sonja Henie in 1912; former first lady Betty Ford in
1918; comedian Shecky Greene in 1926; actor and former ambassador to
Mexico John Gavin in 1928; U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan in
1938; A Chorus Line choreographer Michael Bennett in 1943;
actor/singer John Schneider in 1954; musician Julian Lennon in
1963; actress Robin Wright in 1966; and actress Patricia Arquette
in 1968.

The birthdays of April 9 include French poet Charles
in 1821; actor W.C. Fields in 1879; actor/singer Paul
in 1898; Playboy publisher and man of leisure Hugh
in 1926; singer/songwriter Tom Lehrer in 1928; rock ‘n’ roll
pioneer Carl Perkins in 1932; actor Jean-Paul Belmondo in 1933;
comedian Avery Schreiber in 1935; The Waltons actor Michael
in 1939; Innerspace actor Dennis Quaid in 1954; and
The Cosby Show‘s Rudy, Keshia Knight Pulliam, in

On April 10, we have birthdays that include Ben Hur
novelist Lewis Wallace in 1827; Salvation Army founder William
in 1829; journalist and publisher Joseph Pulitzer in 1847;
Frances Perkins, the first woman Cabinet member, in 1882; poet and
philosopher Kahlil Gibran in 1883; journalist and diplomat Clare Booth
in 1903; actor Harry Morgan in 1915; actor Chuck Connors
in 1921; actor Max von Sydow in 1929; actor Omar Sharif in 1932;
sports commentator John Madden in 1936; action-actor Steven Seagal
in 1951; actor Peter MacNicol in 1954; singer/songwriter/producer
Kenneth “Babyface” Edmonds in 1957; songbird Mandy Moore in 1984;
and the marvelous Haley Joel Osment in 1988.

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