Cat In The Hat Fruit Snacks and More

Categories: Catch the Wave|Published On: October 10, 2003|Views: 4|



Merchandising efforts for Universal Studios’ Dr. Seuss’ The Cat In The
are spiraling into overdrive. Just check out this week’s two new food
products. First, there’s Brach’s The Cat In The Hat fruit snacks. Ten
pouches of berry, citrus and miscellaneous fruit goodness shaped as Thing 1,
Thing 2, the Goldfish, the Cat’s favorite ball and the Cat himself can be found
in a box that offers a great Cat In The Hat t-shirt premium for $5.99 and two
proofs of purchase.

The next product is brought to you by regional food
distributor Boston America Corp. These delicious shortbread cookie snacks are
shaped as Thing 1 and Thing 2 and come in a very festive, red and white striped
box with splashes of turquoise blue thrown about for good measure.

for each in your local grocer’s market.

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