Buck Rogers’ Adventures

Categories: Did You Know|Published On: October 18, 2002|Views: 5|



Did you know that the very first American comic strip to explore the wild
and weird world of science fiction was Buck Rogers? And, despite all the success
Buck found and the legacy he spawned, there is one Buck Rogers premium that’s
rarer than the rest. The 1933 Cocomalt “Buck Rogers Cut-Out Book,”
featuring a stage, scenes, characters and a slew of spectacular 25th
century inventions, allowed kids to act along with the adventures being
broadcast. But they had to drink a lot of Cocomalt to get it. Over a period of
time, and after slugging down Cocomalt at least once a day, kids would note the
positive effects the undoubtedly delicious beverage was having on their sleep,
energy, weight, etc., on a chart on the back page of the pamphlet offering the
premium. Then, they’d have a mother or father sign the chart and send it off
with a two-inch strip of tin from the Cocomalt can. And no funny business
either! Parents had to answer six questions affirming the positive effects of
Cocomalt on their child – just to make sure kids weren’t making up lies. Of
course, if Cocomalt had no effect at all, or worse yet – a negative effect –
then who can say whether eager fans would receive the fantastic and coveted
Adventure Book?

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