Bill Rosemann Moves Out of the Marvel House

Categories: Comic News|Published On: October 25, 2002|Views: 5|



It has recently been announced that, after nearly ten years at The House,
Bill Rosemann has resigned from Marvel Enterprises, Inc, to spend more time with
his family. But what an adventure he’s had through those 10 years! Beginning his
career as a writer for Marvel Age magazine in 1993, Rosemann officially
joined the staff as Assistant Copywriter in 1995. By 2001, he was named
Marketing Communications Manager.

Known online as “Your Man @ Marvel,”
Rosemann enjoyed everything from overseeing the Marvel catalog, advertisements
and press releases to hosting creator-packed convention panels to initiating the
popular “Marvel Buzz” section at to even leading tours of the
“Hallowed Halls.” As the liaison between The House and the comic book press,
Rosemann also enjoyed working with the media – coordinating coverage of Marvel’s
key projects and creators. 2002 saw Rosemann take to the keyboard, writing
Deadline, a critically praised four-issue series illustrated by Guy

“To say that Bill will be missed is an understatement,” stated
Marvel editor in chief Joe Quesada. “He will always be Mr. Marvel in my book!
His energy and love of both Marvel and comic books in general is a rare thing.
But it’s not like Bill is leaving us completely, since he’s going to make a go
of it from the other side of the desk as part of the freelance community. And
knowing Bill, he’ll be a success there as well.”

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