Big Apple Comic Convention

Categories: Comic News|Published On: April 4, 2003|Views: 3|



Though it was originally scheduled for today and tomorrow, the date of the
much-anticipated Big Apple comic convention has changed to this Sunday, April 6.
So, if you’re going to be in the Manhattan area this weekend, you’ll simply have
to make your way over to The New Yorker Hotel (8th Ave. between 34th & 35th
Streets) sometime from 10 am – 7pm and check it all out! Admission is $7.00, but
kids 12 and under are admitted free. With Neal Adams as guest of honor and
hundreds of events including a Gong Show, a Graig Weich art class and so much
more, this event promises to be sensational. And, our friends at Metropolis
Collectibles will be there – with thousands of Silver & Bronze Age books at
great prices. In fact, many of their books are from a collection that has never
hit the market! For more information, visit See you

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