Batman: Nevermore
Journey back in time to the dark
and dreary city that was Baltimore circa 1831 – Edgar Allen Poe’s Baltimore – in
this first of a five-issue Elseworlds series.
After several bizarre
murders (all of which are reflective of Poe’s works) and subsequent sightings of
a huge man-raven-bird, Batman teams up with young Baltimore Sun reporter
Edgar Allen Poe to search for some answers. Told from Poe’s perspective and in
his inimitably creepy style.
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<div><i>Marvel Comics; $12.99</i><br><br>Want to know what happens in a movie
that doesn’t come out for about a month? Check out the official adaptation of
the new X-Men flick. It includes not only the story of the film, but the two
recent movie prequel comics, too. The prequels, if you haven’t spotted them
already at your local shop, feature Wolverine and Nightcrawler. And if you don’t
want to ruin the movie, you can get it and let it wait... if you have the
willpower. <br><br><br></div>