Bart Simpson on the Oregon Quarter?

Categories: The Spotlight|Published On: October 3, 2003|Views: 3|



The Portland Tribune recently hosted a quarter-dollar design
contest. Unless you’re from Oregon, and have already read the Portland paper,
you’ll never guess whose likeness adorns the winning design.

It’s that
perpetual prankster petrified in the animated ambers of the fourth grade: Bart

The design, created by 16-year-old high school student
Jacqueline Iwata, shows Bart riding atop his skateboard exclaiming, “It’s
April–Time for summer break, man!” According to the paper’s description of
Iwata’s design, “[It] pays tribute to one of Oregon’s leading experts–Bart
Simpson–while, at the same time reflecting on the state’s education

Simpsons creator Matt Groenig is an Oregon native, thus adding
yet another layer of poignance to Iwata’s piece.

The contest was held to
generate state interest in the upcoming 2005 Oregon quarter. As compensation,
Iwata and her family will receive one night’s lodging, courtesy of the
Portland Tribuen.


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