Baltimore Con Follows Fantastic 4 Announcement With More

Categories: Comic News|Published On: July 19, 2002|Views: 2|



In the wake of the announcement that Baltimore Comic-Con promoter Marc
Nathan would be purchasing 200,000 copies of Marvel’s upcoming 9¢ comic,
Fantastic Four #60, for insertion into the Baltimore Sun as a
promotion for the October 26-27 show, he’s revealed a list of additional guests.

“We’ve added Rick Vietch, the new writer of Aquaman, longtime
X-Men scribe Chris Claremont, Wolverine artist Sean Chen, novelist
and new Green Arrow writer Brad Meltzer, writer Judd Winick from Green
, and Eric Wolfe Hanson from Micronauts. We’ve also got Dean
Haspiel, creator of Opposable Thumbs, who’s got a lot of work coming up
from Marvel including Muties #3, X-Men Unlimited #39, Captain
America: Red, White & Blue
, and a Thing mini-series with Evan Dorkin,”
Nathan told Scoop.

“In addition, we have Alex Simmons, creator
and publisher of Blackjack, Jeff Mason, publisher of Alternative Press,
and Chris Starros, publisher of Top Shelf all returning this year as well,” he

The purchase of 200,000 copies is believed to be the record order
of any single issue comic by a retailer (Nathan is also the owner of Cards,
Comics & Collectibles in Reisterstown, MD). The Baltimore Comic-Con version
will feature a banner on the front cover promoting the show and the back cover
will feature an ad promoting Baltimore-Washington area retailers.

addition to Fantastic Four #61 author Mark Waid, the show’s guest list
includes headliners George Perez (Avengers/JLA), Adam Hughes (Wonder
), Matt Wagner (Green Arrow), and Michael Avon Oeming

Other guests include Frank Brunner (Dr. Strange),
Frank Cho (Liberty Meadows), Steve Conley (Astounding Space
), Allan Gross (Dr. Cyborg), Marc Hempel (Sandman),
Greg Horn (Elektra), Geoff Johns (JSA), Scott Mills (Big Clay
), Mart Nodell (Green Lantern), John K. Snyder III (Green
), Roy Thomas (Alter Ego), George Tuska (Iron Man),
Neil Vokes (Bluntman & Chronic), Mark Wheatley (Hammer of the
), and many others.

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