Baltimore Comic-Con Recap

Categories: Comic News|Published On: November 1, 2002|Views: 4|



The third annual Baltimore Comic-Con was held Saturday and Sunday, October
26-27 at its new location, the Baltimore Convention Center. This was the show’s
first year as a two-day show, and plans are already afoot to expand next year’s
show to three days since it will be held in conjunction with the Small Press
Expo (SPX), which was formerly based in Bethesda, Maryland.

included Mark Waid, George Pérez, Adam Hughes, Chris Claremont, Matt
Wagner, Rick Veitch, Walt Simonson, Geoff Johns, Frank Cho, Michael Avon Oeming,
Julie Schwartz, Mart Nodell, Greg Horn, Judd Winick, Brad Metzler and many

Shi creator Billy Tucci showed his award winning short
film Some Trouble of A Serious Nature and Timespell creator Rich
Henn showed a portion of his upcoming documentary on the SPX.

“This is a
great show,” Tucci said. “I’m already looking forward to next

“This year’s Baltimore Comic-Con was a success, as were the
previous years,” said Tom Gordon of Monumental Collectibles. “Without a doubt
the show was well promoted and managed by Marc Nathan and everyone involved. It
was great seeing so many happy collectors meeting numerous guests. The crowd was
good. The costumes were great! I loved that Golden Age Flash

“It was a delight to meet so many enthusiastic comic book fans
– and of all ages, no less, from children discovering comics for the first time,
to old-timers who knew that the secret to staying young was never to let go of
what made them happy when they were children,” said Gemstone Publishing’s
editor, Arnold T. Blumberg. “Everyone who stopped by our booth seemed to be
excited by the upcoming new Grading Guide and the changes in the next
edition of The Overtstreet Comic Book Price Guide, so naturally we’re
going to do everything we can to make sure that the public’s expectations are
met and surpassed.”

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