Astroboy to Make a Huge Comeback

Categories: Comic News|Published On: March 28, 2003|Views: 4|



Osamu Tezuka’s beloved crime-fighting robot
Astroboy, one of Anime’s pioneering characters, will be making a huge comeback
come April. That’s because Japan will begin broadcasting a new Astroboy
TV series on April 6 (the eve of the little guy’s birthday) – a series that
will hopefully reach other parts of the world sometime in the fall. Not only
that, but Sony Pictures also has an Astroboy feature film in the works,
set to be released in 2004.

According to a recent article from The
Sydney Morning Herald
, the revival of Astroboy has Japan in a celebrating
mood. In fact, the Takadanoba train station in Tokyo has been playing the
Astroboy theme song to get travelers excited, and a costume parade is
also in the works. And in L.A’s Little Tokyo district, a two-month long
Astroboy festival will kick off on April 6. For more on the adorable,
pointy-headed crime fighter, check out this week’s Did You

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