Archie Characters To Star in New Public Service Announcements

Categories: Comic News|Published On: October 10, 2003|Views: 5|



The New York Times reports that our favorite easygoing, small-town
comics teens, Archie, Betty, Veronica and Jughead are set to star in a media
campaign aimed at preventing a slew of teenage problems, from underage drinking
to bullying to the overscheduled child, said Westchester County Executive Andrew
J. Spano.

The campaign, due to start this month, will feature the
Riverdale gang on county buses, on the county Web site, on cable television and
in the schools, via 50,000 issue-oriented comic books titled
“Archie and His
Friends in Westchester.” As the title suggests, the comics will feature the crew
in settings familiar to Westchester residents, from their local schools to their
daily haunts.

Though the marketing campaign will cost the county
$210,000, taxpayers needn’t think the initiative will lighten their wallets. The
money will come from fines levied against arrested drunk drivers.

Comic Publications waived licensing and merchandising fees. The county’s
communications department suggested and revised story lines and advertising
copy, and the company handled the art.

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