Archer and Armstrong: Assassination Nation #1

Categories: Off the Presses|Published On: August 21, 2024|Views: 5|


Valiant; $4.99

Archer and Armstrong, the adventuring odd couple, are back for the two-issue reintroduction, Archer and Armstrong: Assassination Nation. The first issue starts with the pair investigating a lost pirate ship linked to a figure in early American history. Then the boys learn about a centuries old conspiracy involving America’s wealthiest citizens, and a powerful evil they must stop.

Fred Van Lente does not waste a single page in Assassination Nation #1. The story is already complex with a very dangerous foe, loads of history, and plenty of action. Archer and Armstrong are as fun as ever with the younger man showing off his intelligence and skills, while the older cracks jokes and heads. Emiliano Urdinola similarly establishes the tone of the book with art that is comical at times and intense at others, and packing every page with energy and detail.

Amanda Sheriff
