Animation Art and Collectibles Auction

Categories: Auctions - Prices|Published On: July 26, 2002|Views: 7|



There’s something for everyone in the lineup for the August 13th – 15th
Animation Art and Collectibles Auction – featuring a remarkable collection of
animation art, many of the lots with multiple items, including 24 Disney
features, 32 Disney theatrical shorts and TV along with special selections of
art from Warner Bros., MGM, Hanna-Barbera and more!

Collectibles include
lithos, posters, promo items, audio, video, Disney theme park memorabilia, toys,
books, figurines, and a creative assortment of other goodies.

If you’re
in the area, check out the Pre Show Exhibit on Sunday, August 11th from 11:00
a.m. – 6:00 p.m., Country Inn & Suites – 23627 Calabasas Road – Calabasas,
CA 91302. If not, you can always order a catalog by calling (818) 888-5095, or

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