An Iron Man For all Seasons

Categories: Catch the Wave|Published On: November 1, 2002|Views: 4|



He’s invincible. He’s unstoppable. And you can get him in two different
styles! This double-feature special set of Marvel’s Iron Man mini statues has
just the Iron Man for you – weather you prefer Retro or Classic. Retro Iron Man
is the pointy (and rather Hannibal Lecter-ish) masked wonder from the early
’60s, while Classic Iron Man, with his rounded head, plain mouth and deep
widow’s peak, graced comics from the mid-’60s through to the ’80s. These 7″
statues, based on designs by Randy Bowen, are both brilliantly painted and ready
to display. They were originally released individually in a larger (about 9″)
scale last year.




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