All Star Auctions Fall Classic

Categories: Auctions - Prices|Published On: October 3, 2003|Views: 3|



Get ready collectors! One of the most promising comic character
collectibles auctions of autumn is on its way! All Star Auctions will host its
Fall Classic this November 15 and 16. A twenty-five-year collectibles veteran,
All Star Auctions boasts a track record as the “number one source of original
comic art and related material dedicated exclusively to the field.” Also to its
credit, the company never charges a buy-in if an item doesn’t meet its reserve,
never offers competing items and does not allow employees, consignors or
associates to bid.

The Fall Classic will be a non-catalogue event.
Though the official lots have not been posted, you can preview a few of the
titles and artists to be featured by visiting their website at

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