All-Star Auctions

Categories: Auctions - Prices|Published On: July 26, 2002|Views: 3|



It’s time again for All-Star Auction’s Annual Simul-Con – with hundreds of
incredible pieces that you can view either online at or at the
All-Star booth, #219, at the San Diego Comic Convention in August.

highlights of this gigantic event include original Comic Art from the likes of
Steve Ditko, Carmine Infantino and Jack Kirby – plus a selection from the Morrow
Estate. Comic Book highlights include dozens of CGC graded Gaines File Copies,
Dell File Copies, Big Apple Pedigree books and plenty of CGC graded Dell and
Gold Key Giants – many in 9.4 or higher. There will also be a variety of Comic
Strip Art and, for all you fans of that night-shirted street urchin, there will
also be Yellow Kid premiums!

Of course, this is just a sampling
of what All-Star has to offer. You’ll have to go to San Diego or get to your
nearest computer for the rest!

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