All About Books and Comics (and Art Shows and Auctions)

Categories: Comic News|Published On: October 25, 2002|Views: 5|



From 6 – 10 p.m. on Saturday, November 2nd (that’s next
weekend!), All About Books and Comics, which holds the distinction of being the
oldest comic book shop in Arizona, will be holding an art show and auction
featuring two original art collections from the All About Books and Comics’
staff, a limited-edition print from local artist Larry Shuput (The
Disciples), plus many pages of classic silver age art and pieces from
many modern artists.

Local and international bidding for select auction
pieces will be available via Bidding
can be done either on-site or via the Internet. Since the auction is a silent
auction, bidders are encouraged to proxy bid their max. All limited edition
print sales, auction proceeds and fishbowl donations will benefit ACTOR (A
Commitment To Our Roots) Comic Fund.

All About Books and Comics is
located at 5060 N. Central, Phoenix, AZ

Some artists featured in the art
show will include John Byrne, George Tuska, Gil Kane, Jack Kirby, Timothy
Truman, Gene Colan, John Cassaday, Jim Lee, Jae Lee, Art Thibert, Rob Liefeld,
John Buscema, Sal Buscema and many more.

Pieces available for auction
include selections from Art Thibert, who will be in attendance; J.G. Jones,
Howard Chaykin, John Byrne, Erik Larsen, Lawrence Campbell/Larry Shuput, John
Stinsman, Harvo Mercadoocasio, Rick Forgus, McFarlane Productions, Billy Tan,
Gerardo Sandoval and many others.

For more information, contact David
Brown at

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