Alias Magazine Launch Coincides With New Season

Categories: Comic News|Published On: October 3, 2003|Views: 3|



The new Alias season has officially begun! Last week, we found out
that Sydney still has no idea where she’s been for the past two years, though
her father (who incidentally, could’ve won an award for nattiest beard in a
television jail scene) has some inkling (however small). Vaughn (Michael Vartan)
blinked and eyebrow-furrowed his way through most of his scenes and revealed
that he’s no longer with the CIA. Conversely, Dixon’s been promoted (yay, Carl
Lumbly!). Neither Bad Francie (aka Allison, played menacingly by Merrin Dungey)
or Oblivious Will (Bradley Cooper) have surfaced as yet. Also missing are Irina
Derevko and Sark.

With all these new developments and festering
suspense, what better time is there to subscribe to Titan’s new Alias
magazine than now? Check
the article in last week’s Scoop for more details.

those who can’t get enough of TV’s favorite dysfunctionally angst-ridden spy
family, the Alias magazine is the only way to go. It includes enough
insider info, interviews and clues to sate even the most impatient of viewers.

Go get a copy today!

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