ACA – Amazing Comics Auctions

Categories: Auctions - Prices|Published On: July 26, 2002|Views: 5|



You still have some time if you want to bid one any of the incredible
pieces available for bid at the current Amazing Comics
Auction. There are over 1,084 lots of comics, original art, movie posters
and more, including unrestored copies of Action Comics #1, Amazing Spider-Man
#1, Captain America Comics #1, Fantastic Four #1, Incredible Hulk #1
. .
.and the list keeps going on. Some of the original art featured includes work
from the likes of Al Plastino, Mark Silvestri, George Tuska, Al Williamson and
Neal Adams. The auction will be running until 10 pm on August 4, with lot
viewing at the San Diego Comic-Con and on line at Even
if you can’t bid before the 4th, Heritage runs an Amazing Comics
Auction online every month – with bidding ending the first Sunday of each month.

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