ABC Takes On America’s Camelot

Categories: Comic News|Published On: October 17, 2003|Views: 3|



Perhaps because America has proven its affinity for nostalgia series… and
its fascination with political dramatizations, ABC has decided to attempt
chronicling the saga of Camelot. In a show tentatively titled, The
, the network will follow the historical chronology of the famous
family’s rise to power.

Multiple generations of Kennedys will be
featured in the hourlong drama, including patriarch Joseph P. Kennedy and
Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy.

The project is already being touted as
experimentally unique. Political history has never before been the premise of a
television show with a fictional cast.

Touchstone and Tollin/Robbins
Productions are slated to jointly produce the series. No casting has been done
or storylines developed, though Jurassic Park 3‘s Peter Buchman has
signed on to write and executive produce.

Good idea or not? What do you

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