A SeRRious Achievement for Tucci

Categories: Comic News|Published On: July 26, 2002|Views: 3|



Comic book creator and independent publisher Billy Tucci can add the title
“award winning writer-director” to his list of achievements. Tucci
told Scoop that the rough cut of his first short film, Some Trouble of
a SeRRious Nature
, won First Place in the Best Short Film (Video) category
at the Long Island International Film Expo.

Sponsored by the Long Island
Film/TV Foundation, the Expo ran July 12-18. Some Trouble beat out more
than 30 other films to win its category.

“This is a terrific
honor,” Tucci told Scoop. “The audience reaction was great,
and now this win really caps off a great educational experience for

Previously the film had been awarded a finishing grant by the
foundation. Tucci is scheduled to show the film in its finished version at
Comic-Con International: San Diego, Saturday, August 3, at 11:30

“So many independent films are very emotionally straining
pictures. They’re supposed to be very serious or quirky,” Tucci told Rob
Worley’s Comics2Film
website after the screening. “Mine was just like a live-action

Tucci and his wife, Deborah, are awaiting the birth of
their first child any moment now as of this writing.

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