A King’s Hair

Categories: The Spotlight|Published On: October 25, 2002|Views: 3|



As you may’ve realized, when it comes to Elvis and Elivis memorabilia, we
can’t help falling in love. So, hair’s the latest: MastroNet, Inc. (www.mastronet.com) is auctioning
off a hunk of the King’s hair (safely stored in a vacuum-sealed glass jar) as
part of their Americana Premier Catalog auction. Collected by Elvis’ former
hairstylist, the hair will be up for bidding starting at $10,000, this Monday,
October 28. The lovely locks will even be accompanied by letters of authenticity
from the King’s close friend (and previous owner of the hair) Tom Morgan, Jr.,
leading collector of Elivis-memorabilia John W. Heath, and hair-collecting
expert John Reznikoff.

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