65 Years of Snow

Categories: Did You Know|Published On: October 25, 2002|Views: 3|



Oh, that we could all age as beautifully as Snow White. With her flawless
complexion and not a single gray hair, it’s hard to believe, but did you know
that she’ll be turning 65 in December? And what a 65 years she’s had! In fact,
when Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, Disney’s first full-length animated
feature, debuted in theatres in December 1937, it went on to break records
around the world – grossing $184.9 million at the box office? According to www.boxofficereport.com,
that’s $610.5 million when adjusted to today’s dollar! So, in honor of the
timeless Snow White and her faithful buddies Sleepy, Sneezy, Dopey, Doc, Happy,
Bashful and Grumpy, Enesco has created a special collection of figurines based
on one of the film’s more joyous scenes. Available exclusively through CVS
pharmacy, the collection comes in eight individual pieces. Snow White is the
singing and clapping star of the collection’s starter set, which also includes a
folding background panel to re-create the same song and dance extravaganza scene
that was so beloved in the film. And appropriately, each dwarf is featured
playing his own unique instrument – from Grumpy angrily banging away on his
piano to Sleepy falling asleep at the horn.

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