2004 Becomes Elektra
20th Century Fox have tentatively set 2004 as the date to start
shooting Elektra, the spin-off of Daredevil. The film will star
Jennifer Garner as the adventurous assassin, and will pick up as she recovers
from her first-film near-death experience and does battle with The Hand. There
will also be a central martial arts trainer character named Stick added to the
mix. Stay on the lookout for more!
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<div>Well, summer is near...and so is the Man Without Fear! According to <i>The
Digital Bits</i>,<i> </i>the official word from 20<sup>th</sup> Century Fox that
<i>Daredevil</i> will be arriving on DVD on July 29<sup>th</sup> - in both full
frame and anamorphic widescreen versions. Both will be a 2-disc set, with
features including production audio commentary, 2 new documentaries, 6
multi-angle scene studies, an enhanced viewing mode for the film, bios on the
heroes and villains, Jennifer Garner’s screen test, 3 music videos, a stil